“Managed to book a couple days last minute with the Powder Project. John found us some amazing snow and our best turns in Hokkaido. Unlike many of the companies in Hokkaido, John is an actual ski guide and it shows in his decision making and knowledge. He steered us around some nasty wind slab and found good skiing down lower, then found us amazing, off the beaten track skiing the following day. Always felt 100% comfortable in the backcountry with John, and he’s very easy to get along with. Looking forward to planning another trip already!”
— Peter Rubenstein, Japan 2020

“In my experience everyone is bound to ski rad stuff for their level with The Powder Project. John’s unparalled experience of Central Hokkaido's actual backcountry in recent years will put a smile on your face unless you have your mouth full of snow during a turn. And that’s a very good time, too. His professionalism in guiding and genuine enthusiasm is only met by his dry sense of humour. It’s been an empowering experience to ski with The Powder Project and I don’t see a global catastrophe big enough to keep me from doing it again next season.”
— Mikko Vanska, Japan 2018

“We arrived in Japan just as a dry spell started. We thought we would be scrounging for leftovers, but John took us to backcountry areas that were still getting sneaky pow. We ended up skiing untracked blower snow for two days, and were the only car in the parking lot both times. We're experienced backcountry skiers, but some local knowledge really helped us make the most of our trip.”
— Matt Lum (Vancouver, Canada), Japan 2018

“This was my first foray into backcountry touring, and now I'm not sure I'll ever return to resortland. I had total faith in my guide and easily tapped into the confidence I needed to venture into the most thrilling terrain I've ever skied. The Powder Project will cure any misconception that Hokkaido mountains are 'mellow'—these guys can guide anything and won't quit until they find the perfect untouched powder. Heaps of the stuff. Simply delicious.”
— Zack Susel (New York, USA), Japan 2018
“This is insane!”
— Richard Rosenfeld (Aspen, USA), many times, Japan 2016

“Don’t encourage him.”
— John's Mum, upon learning he'd passed his guides' exam

“I reckon we each did nearly 20,000m of vert in untracked powder in one week. Sure we got good weather, but it was knowledge that got us there - thanks boys.”
— Mike Walker (Central Coast, Australia), New Zealand 2015

“More than alright, epic session today, tks”
— Benoit Peignier (Phuket, Thailand), Japan 2016

“I’ve skied in the Canterbury club fields a lot, and thought I knew them pretty well. But your knowledge of the mountains and snow and weather of that region meant we skied fantastic snow and challenging terrain all week. Every day delivered, and I know for sure that it wasn’t amazing everywhere that week.”
— Tom Holden (Newcastle, Australia), New Zealand 2015